Starting from zero

Starting from zero

This case study aims at showing you how SEO is done starting from square one. We hope that thru this example, you all can get a better idea of how SEO works, and how it can help with boosting your ranking in Google.  

All statistics shown on this page are taken from, and will be updated monthly.

We started doing SEO work on 25th May, 2020, and below are the figures showing our status on as of today, 24th June, 2020.


Ground Work: 

We started by analyzing our main competitors, and brainstorming on all possible keywords and any long-tail words.


Action Plan:

Keyword Research: After having done with the analytical work, Table 1 reflects all the keywords we had come up with, and their related figures are shown as well.


Table 1 figures are as of 28th August


Backlinks: Good quality links, achieved by having unique and relevant contents  written-up containing the selected keywords in every piece of articles.


Link Building: Putting articles in blog posts, each anchoring to the targeted URLs.



Ranked Boost, with solid SEO work done on it, hit No 1 page 1 in just three months time.